Barbara Lydecker Crane


Two Limericks

E. Estlin went missing the day
that cummings (ee) came to stay.
Perhaps cummings ate him,
becoming verbatim
a small man of letters per se.

Athletic young Seamus is whirling
from football, to rugby, to curling.
When each match is finished
he gets thoroughly Guinessed,
and then he is known for his hurling.

Barbara Lydecker Crane has published two chapbooks, Zero Gravitas (White Violet Press, 2012) and ALPHABETRICKS (for children, Daffydowndilly Press, 2013). An illustrated chapbook, BackWords Logic, will be published soon. Her poems—serious or humorous, occasionally both—have appeared in American Arts Quarterly, Atlanta Review, First Things, Light, Lighten-Up Online, Mezzo Cammin, and Think Journal, among many other journals, and in several anthologies.