Mooning the Moon
At heart I felt it only fair
To briefly share my backside bare
To let it flash in the cold night air
The pale white glow of my derriere
It was tit for tat a show like that
I made a gift of my gluteal fat
For all the light that shone on me
And everyone and all for free
A just exchange is same for same
So I dropped trou and took my aim
A moon for a moon, a globe for a globe
That’s the reason I did disrobe
I thought that I should pay it back
And so I turned and raised my crack
But then I bent just a bit too far
And exposed black hole to a falling star
One of those unfortunate slips
That leaves equality in eclipse
Now that I’ve shared that peek for free
I think somehow the stars owe me
Joshua Mason
is an assistant professor of philosophy living in Los Angeles.