Poems of the Week

Cuppas In Crisis

by Mike Mesterton-Gibbons

“Climate change is putting the traditional British cup of tea at risk, says a report”
Daily Mail

Campaigners for Green Britain can’t relax
Until their eco-friendly future’s here.
Persuading Brits to give old ways the axe
Presents a hurdle that is tough to clear …
Although … it’s up against the nation’s brew,
Sipped both to make you sleep and wake you up,
Imbibed at times to pump fresh oomph in you,
Now gulped to calm you down—this tasty cup
Can cure all woes, their opposites, and more …
Reductions in the global tea supply
Imperil Britain’s core belief: I pour,
So I exist … One can’t stand idly by—
If tea’s in danger, climate change is fact.
So activists relax—now Brits will act!