Alyssa Koerper


Out for coffee

Is your pedestal feeling a little too high?
Walk into the coffee shop window.
Are you sad and in need of a reason to cry?
Walk into the coffee shop window.
Do you need a reminder to live in the now?
Walk into the coffee shop window.
Do you wonder if blue would look good on your brow?
Walk into the coffee shop window.
But here’s a suggestion for you just before you
Walk into the coffee shop window:
Make sure that your beverage has cooled or else when you
Walk into the coffee shop window,
You’ll be scalded and scream when you realize you’ve just
Walked into the coffee shop window.
So take care if you do (or take care when you must)
Walk into the coffee shop window.

Alyssa Koerper is a writer, library volunteer, and recovering English teacher. She spends the better part of her days building cardboard robots and reading school emails. This is her first publication.