Bob McKenty


Crème de Month

Juneau is freezing.
Anchorage is bitter cold.
New Jersey is too.

Frederick Douglass…
Black History Month.

Madness on the courts—
Ad nauseam basketball.
Raucous Irishmen.

A dandelion
Pokes its head above the grass.
Ready the Toro.

Malevolent bees
Attack my soda. No, they’re
Yellow jackets. Ouch!

Jubilant seniors,
Upgraded to alumni,
Need employment now.

Joey C. Chestnut:
Undoubtedly the world’s most
Lavish frankophile.

Allergy attacks.
Unremitting nasal drip.
God, please send the frost!

Schools reopening,
Education resuming.
Please—not virtual!

Oddly costumed kids
Congregate All-Hallows Eve
To extort candy.

Notre Dame football
Off network television?!
View streamed on Peacock.

Debit-card shopping
Empties the linked bank account.
Credit cards maxed out.

With these haikus, Bob McKenty tries to shake his addiction to rhyme, but a relapse is likely.