I had a party late last week.
My birthday. I turned sixty-five.
I’m “classic,” soon-to-be “antique.”
But hey, at least I’m still alive.
My boss is mad. He says that I’m
“Exhibiting an inclination.”
Instead of working overtime
I had my birthday celebration.
Today we had an earnest talk,
In course of which I had to mention
That any time I want, I’ll walk.
I don’t need him. I’ve got a pension.
Some say old age brings lassitude,
I say it’s kiss-my-assitude.
All the U’s have been used
And I’m stuck with this Q.
I’m not feeling amused,
I’ve got X and Z too.
But I do have four I’s
(No I don’t mean my glasses),
And I could take the prize
If my next lay-down passes.
Though I would have preferred
Just a bit more finesse,
It’s a triple-score word
To the left of that S.
It will end the game now,
Well, that is if it sticks.
If there isn’t a row
When I play IIXIZIQS.