David Hedges


How to Feed the Hungry

My plan’s to round up billionaires
And lock them tight in feedlot pens
Until they’re fat as Frigidaires,
Then do them in like Tyson hens.

Once these elites play out, my plan’s
To tackle multimillionaires
And package them in quart-sized cans
To make sure everybody shares.

Their children, born to lives of ease,
Will spare themselves their parents’ fate
By paring down necessities
And loving what they thought they’d hate:

A Murphy bed with squeaky springs
Above a Brooklyn butcher shop
And eating out at Burger Kings
And drinking diet soda pop.


A new book by David HedgesTrump Über Alles: Rhymes for Trying Times, appeared in April from Road’s End Press. With three exceptions, the poems were written for Light’s “Poems of the Week”; a great many were published. In his cover blurb, history professor and author David A. Horowitz writes: “If humor truly is the greatest weapon in times of crisis, David Hedges has provided invaluable assistance to the psychological well-being of the nation with a lighthearted record in verse of the tenure of America’s former president.” Available online at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Politics and Prose, and others.