A Parable? Noah Boat
And God said build an ark
And I said, Yeah, whatever.
And God said, Noah, hark!
Stop trying to be clever.
And so I built the damned thing
Though I had to Google cubits
It’s now a smelly crammed thing
(Just offering my two bits.)
As two by two they came on board
The little ark was jammed.
No room for dinosaurs, O Lord.
Too bad, He said. They’re damned.
Oh yes, there was a monstrous flood.
And soon we were afloat.
It’s all there in the Good Book, bud.
The story of my boat.
Pillage, Rape, Plunder; Pillage, Rape, Plunder
There are no sloths
Among the Goths
And the Visigoths
Are busy Goths.
Just so you know, Edmund Conti hopes to have a book out by May 2018. Just so you know, the book is titled Just So You Know. The book will be published by Kelsay Books. He thought you would like to know that.