Jane Blanchard


Non Au Pair

One sock of two will choose to hide—
beneath, behind, between, beside.

It will be found—without a doubt—
once you have thrown the other out.


Approaching fifty, I indulged the notion
to buy a nifty condo near the ocean.

The third-floor unit, which I dearly love,
has others on both sides, beneath, above.

No person on a balcony is seen
since walls discreetly block each view between.

Aroma, though, from neighboring cigar
drifts dreadfully, however close or far.

Plus, private conversations can be heard
by any resident or guest or bird.

Communal living might be overrated—
yes, even when the property is gated.

Jane Blanchard lives and writes in Georgia. Her first collection, Unloosed, and her second, Tides & Currents, are both available from Kelsay Books.