Cover Photograph: “No Skirting the Issue,” by Daniel A. Anderson
Featured Poet
Anthony Harrington
Spotlight: Anthony Harrington
by A. E. Stallings
Historical and Hysterical
Our Funny Founding Father
by A.M. Juster
Poetry by …
Brian Allgar
Brendan Beary
Bruce Bennett
Jerome Betts
Melanie Branton
Leigh Buchanan
Wells Burgess
Dennis Callegari
Michael Cantor
Dennis Caswell
Catherine Chandler
K.R. Copeland
Barbara Crooker
Pat D’Amico
Philip Dacey
Michael Daws
Jenny Dodge
Anna M. Evans
David Galef
Claudia Gary
Charles Ghigna
Ian Graham
Rob Griffith
Steven G. Kellman
Jean L. Kreiling
Joyce La Mers
Lance Levens
J. Patrick Lewis
Barbara Loots
Amit Majmudar
Bob McKenty
Richard Meyer
Tristan Miller
Victoria T. Murphy
Alfred Nicol
Chris O’Carroll
Martin Parker
Alexander Pepple
James Reiss
John Ridland
Chris Runcible
Stephen Scaer
Mae Scanlan
Ed Shacklee
Joan I. Siegel
J.D. Smith
Toby Speed
Timothy Steele
Marilyn L. Taylor
Richard Wakefield
Audrey Webb
Robert West
Gail White
This issue of Light is dedicated to Joyce La Mers, 1920-2013. Her work has enlivened Light from the beginning, and her incredibly generous donations have helped keep it going for years. Until just a few months before her death last October, Joyce was still writing—often far into the night. We are honored to have one of her last poems, as funny as ever, in these pages.  |