Marion Shore


A Toast to the Learned Astronomer

Now lift up your glass and cry “skoal”
to a most cosmological soul!
His mind travels far
from quasar to star,
but his heart’s a gigantic black hole!


Miss Anorexia

She thought that the whole world was scoffin’
at her girth, so she fasted quite often,
till she got anorexia;
now she’s looking much sexia
laid out in her size zero coffin.

Marion Shore is a two-time winner of the Nemerov sonnet award, and the recipient of the Richard Wilbur award for her poetry collection Sand Castle (2011). Her translation of Petrarch’s poetry, For Love of Laura: Poetry of Petrarch, was published by the University of Arkansas press (1987) and her poetry, translations, and fiction appear in numerous journals and anthologies.