Mike Mesterton-Gibbons


The Pluviophile

Today I’ll rock and watch this leaden sky,
Hour after hour, and never once complain,
Ensconced beneath a roof that keeps me dry—
Porch rockers are most restful in the rain!
Low light makes sunshine lovers mope and whine—
Umbrellas are a sight they can’t abide.
Verandas during rain are my cloud nine—
It’s gloom that lets you see my sunny side! …
On rainy days, the cheerfulness of me
Perplexes sunshine lovers who, I trust,
Have judged me off my rocker, though they see
I‘m very firmly on it. So I must
Lack kinship with the sunshine lover’s brain—
Except, I can’t stand getting drenched by rain.


Mike Mesterton-Gibbons is a Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Florida State University. After retirement, he turned his hand to writing acrostic sonnets. Some day, he hopes, his earnings from them will exceed his share of the $102 his daughters and he once earned from Irish step dancing. He is still $34 shy of the break-even point.