by Julia Griffin
“Neighbours turn on each other in Portofino air-con crackdown
As the intrigue heated up along with the temperature, Corriere della Sera reported a “vendetta”
among residents involving tit-for-tat denunciations [of illegal AC units] between neighbours.”
—The Guardian
It’s hard to breathe in Portofino:
When their thermometers reveal
The temperature of Hell, or Reno,
Imagine how they feel.
They need AC in Portofino!
But units are against the law,
And all are scared that some vicino
Will see, and say they saw.
And so they sweat in Portofino,
If not for heat then for despair:
Vendetta fit for Tarantino
Is seething everywhere.
Let’s wish them luck, and well-chilled vino:
They may cool down, or they may not;
Just note: ACs in Portofino
Are hot.