Poems of the Week


by Iris Herriot

“A few years ago…, locals fishing Georgia’s Bashplemi Lake in the municipality
of Dmanisi came across… a small stone tablet inscribed with dozens of mysterious symbols.
Now a team of archaeologists from across Georgia has confirmed the impressions represent
samples of a [Bronze Age] script that has never been documented … Roughly the size
of an iPad, the basalt tablet features just 39 different characters in 60 inscriptions
written left to right across seven lines. … Who crafted the symbols, or why, is open to speculation.”
Science Alert

The tablet of Bashplemi Lake
Is declared by the experts no fake,
But they cannot yet tell
If its content’s a spell
Or directions for making a cake.

Or perhaps it’s what comes by default
If you press, accidentally, ALT:
═ ╠ ʘ ╪ ╒ ╦
╟ ╧ ⸨ ↂ ╬ ╩
(To be taken with pinches of Ө).