Poems of the Week

Brothers, Can You Spare a Plane?

by Orel Protopopescu

“Trump Would Like Supporters to Fund a ‘Trump Force One’ Plane
After Emergency Landing in Private Jet”

(After “Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?”)

Once I joined a party, made it mine,
drove the liberals insane…
Then they stole my White House, thieving swine.
Brothers, can you spare a plane?

Once I built a tower to the sun,
where I launched my campaign.
Now my engine’s dead and that’s no fun.
Brothers, can you spare a plane?

In Brioni suits,
wow, I looked swell!
Stiffing all lefties was my job…
Pointing bone-spurred feet to Capitol Hell,
I’m the guy drummed up a mob!

Say, don’t you remember, they called me Don,
Putin’s Pawn and Lame Brain?
Send me a few million, please, come on!
MAGA brothers, spare a plane?