Poems of the Week


by Julia Griffin

“Athena, a probe launched by the Texas-based company Intuitive Machines (IM)
last month, touched down about 250 miles from its intended landing site
near the moon’s south pole on Thursday … showing an ‘incorrect attitude’. …
On Friday… IM declared Athena dead.”
The Guardian

The Grey-Eyed One, offspring of Zeus’s brain,
Goddess and comrade, bounty-giver, guide
To heroes, prompt to succor and sustain:
She, say Intuitive Machines, has died.
She missed the Moon’s south pole. I would expect
She leaned out of a window, since we learn
Alas, her attitude was incorrect.
At any rate, don’t hope she will return.
A goddess gone! Athena, brave and wise!

I’d like to say this came as a surprise.