Poems of the Week

No-see-um Museum

by Julia Griffin

“Cleaners at Amsterdam gallery ordered to let insects run wild in name of art
Spiders and creepy crawlies allowed to colonise Rijksmuseum to show how
perceptions have changed through the ages”
The Guardian

Their perceptions have changed
In the land of the Dutch;
Though it might seem deranged,
Their perceptions have changed;
Are the cleaners estranged?
No one’s certain how much
Their perceptions have changed
In the land of the Dutch.

Now insects run wild
For the purpose of art;
For ages reviled,
These creators, so styled,
Hold viewers beguiled;
For disgust plays no part
Now insects run wild
For the purpose of art.

Some arachnids display
Around Rembrandt van Rijn;
They’re working away
In their palette of grey,
So beware, or you may
Find you’re on, or else in,
Some arachnid’s display
Around Rembrandt van Rijn.