by Mike Mesterton-Gibbons
O, Donny Boy, it’s golf—you still can win!
Dang Biden is already on the green,
One putt away from Prez. But don’t give in.
Now comes the time for sneakiness unseen:
Nab Biden’s ball while he is on the phone.
Yes, toss it way far back. The rough will do.
Don’t let him see you substitute your own.
Once that is done you’re in the lead, aren’t you? …
No dice! Hole watchers saw. They stood too near!
Now you demand an extra eighteen holes.
You want a judge to wipe your scorecard clear …
But there’s no law on mulligans for polls.
O Donny, Donny Boy, ’tis you must lose:
Your ouster has been called. You’re now fake news!