Poems of the Week

Old McConnell Has a Plan

by Mae Scanlan

Mitch McConnell has a plan,
Me oh me oh my.
It will hurt the common man,
Me oh me oh my.
With a tax cut here and a tax cut there,
Many mils, I get chills
Thinking of the low bills
For the super-wealthy clan;
Me oh me oh my.

Mitch would ram it down our throats,
Me oh me oh my.
So far they don’t have the votes,
Me oh me oh my.
With a rate hike here and a rate hike there,
Stiff the poor, swift and sure,
With a bogus health lure.
Mitch is sinking many boats;
Me oh me oh my.

Mitch is stubborn, I’m afraid,
Me oh me oh my.
He’s for scrapping Medicaid;
Me oh me oh my.
With a closed mind here and a closed mind there,
Here a wall, there a wall,
Everywhere a brick wall,
Mitch, please seek some helpful aid;
Don’t let people die!