Poems of the Week

Peter Mandelson

by Mike Mesterton-Gibbons

“My criticism of Trump was wrong, says [Peter] Mandelson…
[t]he UK’s choice for the next ambassador to the US”

Perhaps I didn’t mean to say the prez
Endangers Earth by spouting reckless views—
There must be more to what this bully says,
Endearing him to viewers of Fox News.
Remarks made then are wrong now, and ill-judged:
My duty is to grovel on the floor,
Announcing he’s fair-minded, he’s begrudged
No more, and even consequential for
Diplomacy between our countries. His
Extraordinary mandate means I must
Learn fresh respect for MAGA-friendly biz,
Suck up to him on-air, and earn his trust
On everything … till, in my memoirs, I
Need not deny that Trump’s a nutjob guy!