Poems of the Week

Ripple Effects

by Alex Steelsmith

“More Chinese swimmers [who] secretly tested positive… for trace amounts of an anabolic steroid…
were cleared [by] the Chinese Anti Doping Agency (CHINADA)… The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)
later confirmed the basic details of the report… [The case] has sent ripple effects throughout the anti-doping community. …
[T]he U.S. Anti-Doping Agency [USADA]… repeatedly [said the WADA
attempted] to sweep the Chinese doping cases under the rug.”
USA Today

(To the tune of Allan Sherman’s “Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh! (A Letter from Camp)”)

Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh,
here I am at Camp CHINADA.
Camp is nice but there’s a lotta
swimmers doping, say the folks from the USADA.

How I long for Camp Granada!
Here officials claim there’s not a
trace of steroids, yada yada,
though reports are sending ripples through the WADA.