by Mae Scanlan
The briefings (press) are quite a mess
For media geese and ganders,
Since at the dais holding sway is
Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
She’s now preferred to Sean, we’ve heard,
Though both can raise our danders;
This gal is cool and no one’s fool,
Ms. Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
She’s zipper-lipped—she sticks to script,
She’s not one who meanders;
She makes her mark with snippy snark,
Ms. Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
No pix allowed (cuts down the crowd);
She slings the slurs and slanders
With great finesse. How Trump must bless
Ms. Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
She’s crisp and terse, and sometimes worse;
The lady’s no Ann Landers.
But as for now, she’s at the bow:
Ms. Sarah Huckabee Sanders.