Poems of the Week

The Forty-Year Mitch

by Nora Jay

“Mitch McConnell steps down…”
The Guardian

So Mitch steps down. Let’s give the man his due:
He never failed to recognize a cue.
Grey Eminences bow their heads, inspired;
Because of him, no judges will be hired
For decades with the faintest tinge of blue.

You think the party’s been made over new?
Mitch sowed the seeds and watched them as they grew.
No Garlands for the Court! He’s justly tired,
So Mitch steps down.

They’re all his progeny, the happy crew
Grabbing both houses and the White one too;
He must be proud to see what he has sired:
His vote saved Donald Trump from being fired!
There’s really nothing left for him to do,