Poems of the Week

Weekend In New Zealand

by Julia Griffin

for Lola Mills Lanou

“New Zealand plays Barry Manilow to repel parliament protesters”
BBC News

His name was Barry, he was a showman:
He had yellow curly hair and his trousers were aflare;
He sang of Sandra, and also Mandy;
He wrote the songs that once we knew;
Now in 2022,
New Zealand blasts his tunes at anti-vax platoons:
If they counter, they just sound moany,
As he lilts and croons.

At the convoy (co) co-co-co-convoy,
A crowd much too loud for an envoy;
At the convoy (co), co-co-co-convoy,
Rather than Barry they’d take hari kari:
At the convoy they were aghast.

His name was Barry, he was a showman:
He had long been quite uncool but his agent was no fool,
No need for shame now, he’s proved his fame now,
And he’s riding very high
On the peaks of Spotify
While statesmen aim his tracks at grumpy maniacs;
He’s lost his youth but reclaimed his Tony,
And endorsed the vax.

For the convoy (co) co-co-co convoy,
A crowd much too loud for an envoy;
At the convoy (co), co-co-co-convoy,
Though they blockaded, it looks like he made it:
Could this be the magic at last?