(on the Feral Cat Neutering Program)
He dwelt among the alleyways,
He dined on mouse and dove.
A cat whom there were none to raise,
To pamper, or to love.
A crabgrass, by a garbage can
Half hidden from the eye.
Cursed as a Derby also-ran,
Wild as a tsetse fly.
He lived unknown, and few could know
What changed his mating whim,
But Lucifer is “fixed”—and O
The difference to him!
Gail White’s career took off with the Formalist movement, since when she has published three anthologies and three books of poetry. Her work appears in several anthologies, including Villanelles and Killer Verse, both from Pocket Poets. She has twice won the Howard Nemerov Sonnet Award (2012 and 2013), and is the featured poet in the Summer/Fall 2013 issue of Light. Her chapbook Sonnets in a Hostile World is available from Amazon. Her new book, Asperity Street, has been published by Able Muse Press. She lives in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana with her historian husband and three cats.