Simon Mermelstein


Blurbs for My Book (from my contemporaries)

“Ne’er a better writer hath I seen/Than that young poet, Simon Mermelstein.”
—William Shakespeare, author of Hamlet

“Good enough to read sober.”
—Ernest Hemingway, author of For Whom the Bell Tolls

“To choose to read this book is really no choice at all.”
—Jean Paul Sartre, author of Being and Nothingness

“Reading his work is like feasting on the buds of roses.”
—Pablo Neruda, author of Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair

“I like this book. It’s got me hooked. I think this book is worth a look.”
Dr. Seuss, author of Green Eggs and Ham

Simon Mermelstein’s poetry appears/is upcoming in Atlanta Review, RHINO, Spillway, FreezeRay, Hawai’i Pacific Review, Cleaver, Mobius, Radius, The MacGuffin, Poems-For-All, Parody, and a good handful of other places.  He’s been nominated twice for a Pushcart Prize, most recently by this very magazine.