Wendy Sloan


West Side Broker’s Story

They called this place Hell’s Kitchen years ago.
It seethed with winos, rats, and switch-blade rumbles.
All high-rise condos now. You’d never know
they called this place Hell’s Kitchen years ago.
And Mid-Town West is far more apropos
to lure a client only Midas humbles.
They called this place Hell’s Kitchen. Years ago
it seethed with winos, rats, and switch-blade rumbles.



Wendy Sloan practiced labor and civil rights law with the firm of Hall & Sloan before returning to poetry. Her poems have been published in various journals including Measure, Mezzo Cammin, The Raintown Review, Blue Unicorn, Big City Lit, Umbrella, and Bumbershoot. Her translations (Leopardi/Stampa) have appeared or are forthcoming in The Able Muse Translation Issue, Measure, and The Chimaera. Sloan was a finalist in the Nemerov Sonnet Award Competition (2006) and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.