Barbara Loots
Spotlight: Barbara Loots
by Gail White
Book Reviews
by Barbara Egel
Poetry by…
Peter Austin
Ned Balbo
Bruce Bennett
Meredith and Michael Bergmann
David Berman
Jerome Betts
Jane Blanchard
Charlie Boyes
Kim Bridgford
Dan Campion
Carrie L. Clickard
Barbara Lydecker Crane
Pat D’Amico
Paula Mahon d’Entremont
Susan de Sola
Paul Fraleigh
Daniel Galef
Conrad Geller
Midge Goldberg
Bill Greenwell and David Silverman
Julia Griffin
James Hamby
Anthony Harrington
Phil Huffy
Paul Jones
Richard Kenney
Jean L. Kreiling
Bruce McGuffin
Bob McKenty
Louise Michelle
Leslie Monsour
Alfred Nicol
Chris O’Carroll
Martin Parker
Jennifer Reeser
Ed Shacklee
Alex Steelsmith
Rob Stuart
Cara Valle
Robert West
Cover photo: “Post-holiday Slump,” by Karen C. Craft
This issue of Light is dedicated to our beloved contributor Mae Scanlan (September 8, 1931-February 5, 2019). For decades, Mae’s irrepressible wit could be found in The Washington Post Style Invitational and British magazines and e-zines such as Lighten Up Online, Literary Review, and The Spectator. As for Light, she appeared in almost every issue (print and online) from the mid-’90s on, contributed often to Poems of the Week (launched in 2017), and was our featured poet in Spring/Summer 2009. You’ll find more about Mae’s inspiring life here.

“The secret of life is the voyage,
And just how one copes with the journey;
So laugh, love and hearten those lives you take part in,
Until you go out on a gurney.”
~ Mae Scanlan
(from “Future-Dipping”)