Full Circle
Oh roundelay, oh rondeau, round:
deliver me to solid ground!
To my beginnings, where I may
unstitch bad knitting and unsay
the gaucheries that still resound
within my tympana. Astound
me with thy powers, and confound
the origins of mischief, pray!
Oh, roundelay!
Unsend the careless text! Impound
the charge that ran accounts aground!
Por favor, renew the days
of yore—thy powers are renowned.
Oh, roundelay!
Diane Lee Moomey has lived and wandered around the US and Canada and now lives in Half Moon Bay, California, where she co-hosts a monthly poetry series. A regular reader at Bay Area poetry venues, she has had work published in PoetryMagazine.com, Mezzo Cammin, PoeTalk, The Sand Hill Review, California Poetry Quarterly, Caesura, and Red Wheelbarrow, and been nominated for a Pushcart prize. Recently, she has won prizes and Honorable Mentions with the Ina Coolbrith Circle and in the Soul Making Keats Literary Contests. Her most recent poetry book is Nothing But Itself, (Day’sEye Press and Studios), and a chapbook, Make For Higher Ground, is forthcoming in 2021 from Barefoot Muse Press. https://www.pw.org/content/diane_moomey