Dan Campion



The garden is an orchard too,
And also a viperium.
Two primates make it quite a zoo,
Where ghostly shapes appear to them,

And finally open up their cage
And shoo them out to wander
And wind up on a vellum page
For later apes to ponder.

The Well-Wrought Churn

Cf. Cleanth Brooks

No pipes, no cow, no mad pursuit,
Just plunger and a tub. C’est toute.

Dan Campion is the author of Peter De Vries and Surrealism and coeditor of Walt Whitman: The Measure of His Song, a third edition of which was issued in 2019. His poems have appeared widely. A selection of them are gathered in A Playbill for Sunset, published in 2022. He lives in Iowa City, Iowa.