Bob Lorentson


Philo T. Farnsworth

Mr. Farnsworth, Philo T.,
Designed and built our first TV,
Moving images through air
Invisibly, from here to there.

“That was easy,” forewarned he.
“However, in the future, we
Will find it harder, I can vouch,
Moving people off the couch.”

The Big Trick

Before the Big Bang there was nothing at all,
And after, a whole universe
Of planets and stars and space and time,
As immense as it is diverse.

Like pulling out doves from a bottomless hat,
That magician’s trick was a riot,
But if he could do it with one Big Bang,
He could nix it with one Big Quiet.

Bob Lorentson‘s recent stories and poems have been published or are forthcoming in Sleet, Praxis, Better Than Starbucks, Leaves of Ink, Parody, and Lighten Up Online. He lives in rural Connecticut and is simultaneously at work on a third novel and his deluded imagination.