Daniel Galef


Hesed She-sed

The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.
The Lord is my exorcist. I shall not haunt.

The Lord is my brewer. I shan’t be dry.
The Lord is my co-pilot. Thank God—I can’t fly.

The Lord is my carpenter. He’s on the level.
The Lord is my jailer, but his screw is the Devil.

The Lord is my Lion: His Truth rings his face.
The Lord is my Lamb—His mint sauce is Grace.

The Lord is my dealer, and Faith is my fix.
The Lord is my pimp, and Devotion my tricks.

The Lord is my poet, but He’s better at trees.
The Lord is my metaphorist, and He came up with these.

Daniel Galef is a graduate instructor of English at Florida State University and Associate Poetry Editor of Able Muse. He lives just on the edge of the swampland in Tallahassee, where he collects counterfeit coins and hasn’t cut his hair in three years. Look him up in Webster’s dictionary under the entry for “interfaculty,” which means “brilliant and handsome.”