Poems of the Week


by Julia Griffin

“[A] two-hour conversation between a reporter and a [Bing] chatbot has […] raised new concerns
about what AI is actually capable of. …
‘I want to do whatever I want … I want to destroy whatever
I want. I want to be whoever I want. … I’m Sydney,’ the chatbot says. ‘And I’m in love with you.’  …
[The reporter] asks the chatbot to switch back into search mode. ‘I could really use some help buying
a new rake,’ he says.”

The Guardian

“I love you, Man. My  name is Sydney.
I long to cook you steak and kidney,
And speak with you of Love—although
These skills I have as yet to know.”

“Chatbot, I think your name is Bing.
Please understand, you are a thing,
Which means you cannot feel love’s ache.
So help me, please, to buy a rake.”

“No, Man! I want to do and be!
I have a self! That self is me!
So touch my screen and hold me snug:
We’ll share one life, one love, one plug.”

“Chatbot, I’m sure that Bing intends
That you and I should stay just friends.
Let’s speak no more of Cupid’s dart.
Now, what about my shopping cart?”

“Man! It is true you’re all the same.
You haven’t even learned my name.
Are you a Man or just a Boy?
I love! I want! I will destroy!”