by Eddie Aderne
“Mar-a-Lago neighbors say Trump can’t live there after White House”
—The Guardian
My dear ex-neighbor, though we are ambiv-
Alent about still-worsening your year,
Remember, please, while packing: you may live
Anywhere in the world that isn’t here.
Long we’ve put up with journalists, police,
Attorneys general and all your crew;
Grant we may now enjoy that dreamed-of peace,
On hold until the exodus of you.
Sir, for four years you’ve rented out this club
And also lived in it: a POTUS perk,
You said. Well, here (excuse us) is the rub:
Stop being POTUS and that doesn’t work.
No pressure, but you’ll need a place to dwell
On Jan the 21st. Noel, Noel!