Poems of the Week

All Over, Down Under

by Ruth S. Baker

“Roger, the Ripped Kangaroo and ‘True Icon,’ has died”—CNN International

Today we said a hushed adieu
To Roger, called the Alpha Roo:
His weight was 89 kg,
His fans 1 million point 3,
His height six foot, unbowed his head,
His neck appropriately red
From rubbing trees—thus making known
That all his wives were his alone.

Oh Roger! You would flex your pecs
As few marsupials could flex;
No less impressive were your abs,
Which stood out proud like hairy slabs.
Before your bold and beefy stance,
The toughest types would turn askance—
Or else they’d rapidly intuit:
Risk rudeness with ripped roos, you’ll rue it.

Talent Search

by Dan Campion

The second Voyager has left
The solar atmosphere.
Will altered cosmic warp and weft
Affect our life down here?

A butterfly in Yucatán,
Some say, can change the world.
If chaos has a sportive plan,
Let’s see that scroll unfurled,

Our little fleet send back good news
That ETs will not bite,
And, rife with talent to amuse,
Contribute verse to Light.


by Julia Griffin

“A 2,000-year-old Roman statuette of a silver-eyed goddess Minerva that for more than a decade was kept in a plastic margarine tub is among a record number of treasure discoveries made by the nation’s army of metal detectorists.”—The Guardian

How long had she been waiting, far from home,
Proud posture and immortal silver stare,
When an enthusiast trepanned the loam
In a dim Oxford field, and struck her there?
He brushed her gently: from her leaden dress
Dropped years of earth. How many, though? How long?
Resisting hope, he made a prudent guess
And called her Modern Copy. He was wrong.
He put her in a plastic tub, once packed
With Flora margarine; her moment past,
She lay forgotten, verdigrised and cracked,
For ten more years, till somebody at last
Glanced in and found her—this unlooked-for prize:
Flora-Minerva, of the silver eyes.

Ghana, Gandhi, Gone

by Nora Jay

“Statue of ‘racist’ Gandhi removed from University of Ghana”—The Guardian

They’re finished with Gandhi in Ghana:
His statue’s been razed from its place,
To punish the sainted Brahmana
For nasty remarks about race.

In Oxford, meanwhile, he’s still dandy:
As fondness for empire implodes,
The students want statues of Gandhi
Instead of the statues of Rhodes.

Sic gloria transit humana.
But could we just ask, ere we chop,
Are they sore about Cecil in Ghana?
Or is there a chance of a swap?

Sticking Points

by Julia Griffin

“We have now found juvenile seals with eels stuck in their noses on multiple occasions.”
—Facebook page of the Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program

We find this week that youthful seals
Have taken to inhaling eels—
Or else we’re seeing eels spelunk
Their way through seals’ phlegmatic gunk.
There’s photographic evidence
Of something’s loss of common sense,
As humankind (for once some use)
Does all it can to tug them loose.
What is the cause of this new fad?
Perhaps the beasts are going mad;
Or maybe it’s a staged tableau
To show how far both kinds will go.
Remember, though our race supposes
There’s something gross in eels-up-noses,
We’ve found no universal rule
For what the young believe is cool.

Raising the Barr

by Edmund Conti

“Former Attorney General William Barr is Trump’s leading contender for AG”—The Hill

For this, I’ve no ambition.
I ought to let it pass.
But I’ll take the position
To save the boss’s ass.


by Ruth S. Baker

“In a dazzling discovery, fossils brought up from a mine in Wee Warra, near the Australian outback town of Lightning Ridge, belong to the newly named dinosaur species Weewarrasaurus pobeni. The animal, which was about the size of a Labrador retriever, walked on its hind legs and had both a beak and teeth for nibbling vegetation. A type of dinosaur known as an ornithopod, Weewarrasaurus may have moved in herds or small groups for protection.”National Geographic

The climate’s shot:
The poles are hot,
The seas are spoiled and yeasty;
What have we got?
A knack, that’s what
(More sciency than priesty),
For bringing round
From underground
The dead and gone—at least, we
Out back have found
This fossil-bound
Weewarrasaurus beastie!

If I were God,
You’d live,” I sighed; then smarted
As, with an odd
Sarcastic nod
He spoke, like one re-started:
“Your grief is worth
No more than mirth:
But if you’re tender-hearted,
And long for dearth
To pause on earth,
It’s time your kind departed.”


by Brendan Beary

George Bush now lies in state—
Stark contrast, I suppose;
The guy who’s POTUS now
Lies everywhere he goes.

Grate Hero Blues

by Julia Griffin

“NYPD to return British couple’s engagement ring lost after proposal”
—The Guardian

A ring on the hand
May be quite sacramental,
But sergeants are a girl’s best friend;

A ring may be grand,
But it’s not worth a lentil
For a tender date
Once down the grate
In New York State:

She freaks out
While he’s in doubt
How much more she expects him to spend;

But, Flatbush to Flat Street,
You can’t beat those Flatfeet!
And sergeants are a girl’s best friend.

There may be some types
Who say “Let’s just forget it”:
But sergeants are a girl’s best friend;

It may be old pipes
May seem much much too fetid:
But these Cops say: Dive!
And then high-five,
As this goes live:

Grates get cold,
Intentions fold,
And we all slope off home in the end;

So let’s bow the knee to
The NYPD crew!
For sergeants are a girl’s best friend.

We Meet on the Sidelines

by Orel Protopopescu

(After “We Kiss in a Shadow,” Rogers and Hammerstein)

We meet on the sidelines.
We hide from the press.
Our meetings are few,
but more might be less.

We speak in a whisper
afraid of the spies
on your side and mine,
so make love with our eyes.

Alone with our secrets,
we barely touch hands—
mine small, but they still hold big keys.

Who locked up the future
for your sake and mine,
as temperatures rose by degrees?
Come rise, Vlad, on towers of sleaze!

Parking for Pot

by Marshall Cobb

“New pot shop’s neighbors say traffic jams are awful”
—The Boston Globe

If you run a store that peddles pot,
You’ll need a bigger parking lot.
It seems the high demand for grass
Is causing traffic jams in Mass.,
And those who live close by the store
Are more than just a little sore.
Here’s my advice to those fine folk:
Just join the crowd and have a smoke.

McConnell Talks Tough

by Julia Griffin

“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says ‘some kind of response’ is needed from the United States for the Saudis’ role in [Khashoggi’s] gruesome death”—AP

Mitch McConnell from Kentucky,
Where they make the bourbon strong,
Isn’t scared of acting plucky
When he spies a moral wrong.
Thus when poor Jamal Khashoggi
Met his end in Istanbul,
Finding Trump’s reaction soggy,
Mitch spoke up, and roared, in full:
Some kind of response to that certainly would be in order and we’re discussing what the appropriate response would be.”

Mitch McConnell of the Senate,
Foe to taxes, friend of guns,
Holds dismemberment a tenet
That he absolutely shuns.
Thus when that superb Wahhabi
Known for short as MbS
Made excuses somewhat flabby,
Mitch proclaimed to all the Press:
I think almost no one believes we should completely and totally fracture our relationship with the Saudis, but, yes, some kind of response is going to be appropriate and we’re going to continue to talk about that.”

InSight Has Landed

by Barbara Loots

“Early in its history, Mars may have looked a lot like Earth. …
But the last 3 billion years have been a slow-motion disaster…”
—The Washington Post

Though Mars is a wasteland of dust,
There’s no sense in making a fuss.
Slow-motion disaster
Will never go faster
And nothing will happen to us.

We seem to have frequenter bouts
With hurricanes, blizzards, and droughts.
But weather is iffy,
Can change in a jiffy,
And science is nothing but doubts.

Forget about climate-change fears.
Our planet is fine, it appears.
So no one need worry
Or be in a hurry.
We’ve still got three billion more years.

Au Revoir, Renoir

by Julia Griffin

“Renoir Estimated at $180,000 Is Stolen From Austrian Auction House”—The New York Times 

Who saw, who saw, the small Renoir
Snatched from the auction house ce soir?
The forms were signed, the t’s were crossed,
The auctioneers were toasting Prost!
Now everybody’s mood is noir.

Did some gendarme (affreux à croire!)
Slope off for quelque chose à boire?
There is no way this can be glossed.
Who saw, who saw?

Someone has failed in their devoir,
And lost the house a deal of gloire,
At serious financial cost;
Besides, of course, the painting’s lost,
And like Renoir, that maître d’art,
Who saw, who saw?

Thanksgiving, 2018

by Bruce Bennett

Trump pardons turkeys. Murder, though,
is something we can just let go.
The Saudi Prince has crossed no line.
The Saudis buy our arms. It’s fine.
We’ve made a deal. Why make a fuss?
What matters is the U.S. Us.
But one day soon the ax will fall
on what makes turkeys of us all.