Poems of the Week

The Cheeks of Modesty

by Julia Griffin

“Andrew Scott: sex scenes less ‘embarrassing’ for audience if one actor plays both characters”
The Guardian

I cringe and furiously doodle
Whenever two on stage canoodle;
A pair of actors making out
Has all my blush-genes breaking out.
When was a more embarrassed wreck seen
Than I, before a four-hand sex scene?
Imagine, then, how I’m delighted
To find this situation righted!
Great Scott! by his exclusive antics,
Has saved the boards for shy romantics;
For none (save Governor De Santis)
Are shamed by solo in flagrantes.

Taking the Plunge

by Steven Urquhart Bell

“Brits investing in stocks and shares fell by more than five percent last year, study finds”
Daily Express

Investing for the first time is exciting.
You keep on checking markets on your cell.
Be careful not to do it while you’re walking,
’Cos if they aren’t doing very well,

You’ll likely stare in anguish at the figures,
And likely not be watching where you stroll,
And likely make your troubles even deeper
By breaking something falling down a hole.

Nikki, Don’t Lose—Outnumber!

by Steven Kent

“Trump Campaigns in Nevada, Where He Has Virtually No Rival”
—The New York Times

It’s bound to be raucous:
Nevada’s one caucus
Won’t let voters pick Nikki Haley,
Yet Don still gets grumpy
And totally Trumpy,
Demeaning Ms. H on the daily.

His GOP rival
Now pins, for survival,
High hopes on her home state (Palmetto).
But win or lose badly,
By June she’ll be sadly
Consigned to the Never-Trump ghetto.


by Alex Steelsmith

“First IVF rhino pregnancy could save northern white rhinos from the brink of extinction.”
USA Today

isn’t, despite how we
label it, white.

Though the white rhino is
hardly albino, its
outlook is bright.

Villon Updated

by Dan Campion

“Academy of American Poets receives its largest-ever donation”

Fewer garrets, gutters, flops:
More bards can pay their rent!
Five-point-seven million tops
The four-point-five just spent!

Not since FDR was prez
Has US poets’ friend
Enjoyed such largess, and it says
It’s in the mood to spend.

So, line up, Laureates, don’t wait;
The snows of yesteryear
Melt quickly. Bang your old tin plate
And pray the grantors hear!

If Only We’d Known

by Steven Kent

“‘This should not be ridiculed’: The link between hypochondria and early death”
The Guardian

Today I’m feeling all reflective
Based upon my new perspective.
Friends and fam I now see mourning
Disregarded every warning.
Tears and laughter as they grieve me—
Wish they’d chosen to believe me.
Sympathies expressed? They’re on it.
(Told them I was sick, doggone it!)

An Asstronomical Finding

by Alex Steelsmith

“The planet Uranus reportedly smells of flatulence due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide
in its upper atmosphere, a study found.”

sound a bit

saying Ur-
anus has


by Julia Griffin

“’We won world wars out of forts,” [ex-President Trump] said at an event
in Rochester, New Hampshire. “Fort Benning, Fort This, Fort That, many forts.
They changed the name, we won wars out of these forts, they changed the name,
they changed the name of the forts. A lot of people aren’t too happy about that.’”

We won our World Wars out of forts, many forts:
Fort Michie, Fort Ritchie, and forts of all sorts;
Forts Benning and Snelling, where heroes were at;
But best of them all were Fort This and Fort That.

Our enemies, lots of bad enemies, say
It scared them to hear of Fort Jay and Fort Ray;
Fort Petrie would petrify enemies’ ears;
But those two Fort Pronouns brought Hitler to tears.

And now we’re renaming them, changing the name.
Whatever they’re called, it will not be the same,
And folks aren’t too happy, they’re going to miss
The world-warring sounds of Fort That and Fort This.

Eel or Faux Eel?

by Steven Kent

“Reinventing the eel: First lab-grown eel meat revealed”
The Guardian

Tofu burger? Sounds low-fat.
Turkey sausage? I’d try that.
Fake crab sushi? Well, hello.
Test-tube eel meat? No, no, no!

Wing and a Swear

by Stephen Gold

“Potty-mouthed parrots rehoused to clean up their language”
The Times

This is Tyson, an African Grey,
And perpetual cause of dismay.
It is hard not to scowl
At this foulest of fowl
Squawking smut every hour of the day.

So we’ve put him with birds better bred,
In the hope they’ll get into his head.
Though today they were shocked,
When he told them, “Get flocked!”
(And that wasn’t the worst thing he said.)

We regret he’s just one of a group
That loves swooping around talking poop.
The same fate now awaits
These disorderly mates—
Though we’re thinking about parrot soup!

Tea Partisan

by Nora Jay

“Britain’s media has reacted with fury and bewilderment after a US scientist
claimed the perfect cup of tea is made with a pinch of added salt.”

She’s but a Yank. It’s not her fault.
For her advice about a brew—
To take it with a pinch of salt—
That’s just what I intend to do.

Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing

by Marshall Begel

“DeSantis Appears to Misattribute [‘courage to continue’] Quote to Churchill
as He Drops Out of Primary”
The New York Times

“Winston Churchill’s wartime false teeth are up for sale”

Failing to secure his votes,
Ron resorts to phony quotes—

Sheds façade of grit and sinew,
Bungles meaning of ‘continue,’

Falls to slight intimidation,
Bends his knee in subjugation—

Shows what truly lies beneath:
Courage false as Churchill’s teeth.

Plus ça change

by Felicia Nimue Ackerman

“There was very little free speech at Harvard—the Foundation for Individual Rights
and Expression ranked it last of all colleges last year. …”
The Wall Street Journal

“A Florida school district is pulling nearly 2,000 books from its shelves—
including some dictionaries and encyclopedias”

Right and left can’t seem to see
There’s a way that they agree:
From the classroom to the dorm,
All opinion must conform.


by Bruce Bennett

“’We wouldn’t have civilizations if we didn’t create groups. We are designed to form groups,
and the only way to define a group is there
has to be someone who’s not in it,’…”
The Washington Post

“It’s Us or Them, you idiot! Of course
we hate that Other, since he is the source
of Every Evil. As, no doubt, are you,
who tries to tell us this. We hate you too!”

Old Dodecahedra

by Mike Mesterton-Gibbons

“Amateur archaeologist discovers bizarre Roman object that has baffled for centuries”

“12 sides, 100 theories: what was the Roman dodecahedron really for?”
The Times

Our forebears, who had impish Roman minds,
Left old dodecahedra in the ground.
Dig experts, who seek purpose in such finds,
Doubt any known hypothesis is sound:
Old candleholders? No. Old Rome used oil.
Dice made for gambling? No. They wouldn’t roll.
Et cetera … These objects, rife in soil,
Could earn no mention in a Roman scroll.
An oversight of scholars? Maybe. Or,
Had Romans pranked posterity instead,
Endowing it with objects solely for
Discreetly messing with an expert’s head,
Repaying nosy future diggers well
Ahead of time? There’s just no way to tell!