Poems of the Week


by Bruce Bennett

“Trump says he doesn’t care if he mispronounces Kamala Harris’s name”
The Independent

“I like mispronouncing her name.
With me, it is always the same.
I do as I please
With people like these.
For me, it’s all part of the game.

But wait. What is this? Something’s wrong.
There’s yelling and cheering. A throng
Is laughing. How rude!
It’s I who am booed
And mocked, and they’re playing along!

Walz Time

by Nora Jay

(After Lorca, via Leonard Cohen)

Though the Dems have umpteen childless women,
Lots of shoulders where cats come to cry;
Though there’s cash pouring in through the windows,
There’s a stump where campaigns quickly die;
So a cunning old Donkey gave warning:
“If you want to be sure of applause:

Ay, ay, ay, ay
Take this Walz, take this Walz,
Take this Walz with the clean-shaven jaws!

Oh we want him, we want him, we want him,
On a chair with a dad’s magazine,
Saying: “Son, want a ride to Home Depot?”
Or unblocking some pesky machine;
He’ll have corndogs at six for his dinner,
Where he’ll wink at his wife: “Ain’t life grand?”

Ay, ay, ay, ay
Take this Walz, take this Walz:
He likes tuna so long as it’s canned;

Ay, ay, ay, ay
If it’s broken, he’s got it in hand.”

Arthuriana Sans Arthur

by Felicia Nimue Ackerman

“‘The Bright Sword’ Review: Arthurian Fantasy Sans Arthur”
The Wall Street Journal

Arthuriana sans the king?
That has a quite disloyal ring.
A new addition to the gallery?
I think I’d rather stick with Malory.

Land of Plenty

by Dan Campion

“Musket Balls Found in Massachusetts Recall ‘Shot Heard Round the World’”
The New York Times

Thoreau, and others, missed a few
Spent rounds that had lain by
The old North Bridge? What else is new?
So many bullets fly
Throughout this country, where our guns
Are sacrosanct, lead shot
Turned up in Concord scarcely stuns.
We’d wonder had it not.

Yesterday (All My Scruples Seem So Far Away)

by Steven Kent

“JD Vance calls Trump ‘morally reprehensible’ in resurfaced emails”
The Guardian

Of clear positions I might take,
There’s one I own appears opaque:
He’s Hitler—no, the people’s voice—
He’s heroin—our perfect choice.
I’ve been this way since back at Yale,
Before my soul was up for sale:
I hedge my bets in every race
And try to cover every base.
I loathe this most immoral man,
Yet call myself his biggest fan;
I wasn’t sure, but now I’m surer—
Goodness gracious, what a fuehrer!

Room in the Womb

by Nora Jay

“Mr. Trump… insisted on Friday that Ms. Harris wanted a federal law ‘for abortion to rip
the baby out of the woman in the eighth, ninth month and even after birth’…”
The New York Times

Macduff was from his mother’s womb
Untimely ripped, near fatally;
But even he was spared the doom
Of being ripped post-natally.

A Cambrian Ocean Mindset

by Dan Campion

“‘My jaw just dropped’: 500 million-year-old larva fossil found with brain preserved”

Half a billion years ago
Some process not yet thought
Apparently began to show
Some hope of being taught.

You’d think by now brains might have learned
A thing or two, or three.
But, seeing wisdom daily spurned,
It seems they’re still at sea.

Slime Enough for Love

by Steven Urquhart Bell

“Monaghan farmer plays matchmaker with ‘lonely hearts’ snails”
The Independent

It’s hard for snails to write a dating profile
That makes them seem a gastropod worth knowing,
’Cos owns own home is pretty much a given,
And so are likes nights out and easy-going.


by Marshall Begel

“[D]ozens of garden snails… gathered [in Congham, England] to compete in the World Snail Racing Championships…”
The New York Times

Congratulations, gastropod!
You won in record time—
With wing-ed foot of Roman god
And shining trail of slime.

Although you’ve bested mighty teams,
As rated by our panel,
We recommend Olympic dreams
Stay this side of the Channel.

Because of certain French cuisine
(We’re too polite to utter),
The only gold their snails have seen
Is melted garlic butter.

Grave Situation

by Steven Urquhart Bell

“Corpse shortage due to rise in Scottish medical students…”

The news report revived an old ambition:
I’ve often thought of taking up a trade,
And all I’d need are garbarge bags, a headtorch,
Some VapoRub, a barrow and a spade.

Go Figure

by Alex Steelsmith

“[T]he ‘Forever Marilyn’ statue will be moved from its perch in front of the Palm Springs Art Museum
to a city park…
Many critics did not object to the [26-foot-tall figure] itself, merely its placement…
However, some
have said the statue is hyper-sexualized and misogynist, given that it shows Marylin
Monroe’s underwear…
The statue recreates a famous scene [where a breeze] blows up the skirt
of Monroe’s character.”

The Desert Sun

Fittingly, wittingly,
local authorities
plan to move Marilyn.

some might accuse them of
skirting an issue they
ought to redress.

JD Vance Spots Another Opening

by Philip Kitcher

This nation yearns for leaders who are young,
And I am keen to swear that solemn oath.
The practiced master of the double tongue,
I’m on one ticket. Why not run on both?

The model of a modern demagogue,
For any cause I choose, I tune my voice.
Debate? A schizophrenic dialogue,
From which I’ll exit as the people’s choice.

I change opinions as I change my socks.
My guiding maxim: Principles are cheap.
I seize each opportunity that knocks.
Cat-lady Ddear Kamala, I’d love to be your Veep.

Lasting Trump

by Julia Griffin

“Trump urges Christians to vote: “You won’t have to do it anymore”

And I shall wipe away
The tears from faithful eyes,
While nasty people pay
In fire that never dies.

And I’ll make all things new
And fix what came before;
Vote one last time! Then you
Won’t have to anymore.

Bones to Pick

by Ruth S. Baker

“A divided Ohio Supreme Court ruled Thursday that consumers should not expect boneless wings to be free of bones.”
Fox News

Are shepherds sheepless now? Are monarchs throneless?
Writers are speechless. I am, now I know
That boneless wings may sometimes be non-boneless.
Tell me at least they’re still real buffalo.

Anyone Else Getting Séance Vibes?

by Kaitlyn Spees

“Whenever stress at work builds, Chinese tech executive Sun Kai turns to his mother for support.
Or rather, he talks with her digital avatar on a tablet device, rendered from the shoulders up by artificial
intelligence to look and sound just like his flesh-and-blood mother, who died in 2018.”

(with apologies to Emily Dickinson)

The scramble on the ‘Net,
Once techies’ mothers Croak,
Creates from social media
An Avatar, bespoke,

To speak in her Scraped Language
And look like her Scrubbed Pics—
Put up your broom, E. Dickinson—
Eternity—is this?