Poems of the Week

Senator Collins Confesses

by Philip Kitcher

“I’m in favor, as you know,
of reinstituting Roe,
but I’m sorry I can’t offer you my vote.
I shall never, never, NEVER rock the boat.

I admire your plan to muster
votes to change the filibuster—
but McConnell’s got his thumbs around my throat.
I shall never, never, NEVER rock the boat.

I hope that you can cobble
an alliance—I must wobble,
(it’s my nature)—yet I cannot turn my coat.
I shall never, never, NEVER rock the boat.

I admit I am aggrieved
that Brett Kavanagh deceived,
in the things he said and documents he wrote,
but I’ll never, never, NEVER rock the boat.

I’m distressed that, once again,
women’s wombs are ruled by men—
and it bothers me when Cruz and Hawley gloat.
But I’ll never, never, NEVER rock the boat.”