Battle—Him vs. the Republic
A man without an intellect, a conscience, or a heart,
He sneers at scientific truth, calls business deals an art,
And sounds like such a zero when he’s bragging that he’s smart.
His lies go on and on.
He shows the world how small he is by being obsessed with size.
He draws a paltry crowd, then compensates with swollen lies.
He’s giant in his own and in nobody else’s eyes.
His lies go on and on.
Non-sycophantic journalists ask questions that he ducks.
When running a casino, he can lose a billion bucks.
He has no use for immigrants, except the ones he dates.
His lies go on and on.
His psyche is an oozing mass of petulance and hate.
His vision for America makes Klansmen salivate.
Can he transform the land we love into a fascist state?
How long must lies go on?
Chris O’Carroll is a Light featured poet and frequent “Poems of the Week” contributor whose work has also appeared in The Asses of Parnassus, Better Than Starbucks!, The New Verse News, The Orchards, and Parody, among other print and online journals, and in New York City Haiku and The Great American Wise Ass Poetry Anthology.