Poems of the Week

A Ringing Endorsement

by Nicole Caruso Garcia

Douchious Maximus
wants to be emperor
rather than Prez.

Wishing the best for this
“…win the election,” the
Taliban says.

The Vale of Tiers

by Mike Mesterton-Gibbons

The English three-tier system starts off-key:
High’s medium, and Medium is low,
Enabling Very High to be Tier Three—
Variety’s the spice of Covid woe!
All Tier-Three pubs are closed throughout the day.
Last orders in Tier One are called at ten,
Ensuring tipsy throngs form right away
Outside the pub to spread Corona then.
For all three tiers, you still have Rule of Six,
Though it means different things in different tiers:
In Two, indoors, you’re not allowed to mix
Except… oh, I forget, just drink your beers!
Restock home cellars weekly. Don’t run dry—
Some day this vale of tiers shall too pass by!


by Dan Campion

“Virus, stimulus angst hit world stocks as safe U.S. dollar shines”

Angst has struck the lords of stock;
They’re buying greenbacks chockablock.
Our bridges rust, our health declines,
But thank God, our safe dollar shines.

DJT v NBC, or Oh! Savannah

by Jerome Betts

“I don’t get that. You’re the president. You’re not like
someone’s crazy uncle who can just retweet whatever.”
Savannah Guthrie

Old Uncle Orange Tinges
Is now really off his hinges.
He is cuckoo, barking, loco,
And his ramblings are rococo.

Tweeted slander, lies and libel
Are his blueprint and his Bible
So it truly is essential
He becomes unpresidential.

Genghis Khan’t

by Nora Jay

“China insists Genghis Khan exhibit not use words ‘Genghis Khan’”
The Guardian

The exhibition stars a man much puffed in Kazakhstan:
The bloody-minded emperor we know as                       .
At birth he clutched a blood clot just as big as a pecan,
And later had six wives, this ever-grasping                       .
This fact did not restrain him when he saw a courtesan,
In fact 500 (thereabouts) this randy                       .
Although he persecuted those who followed the Koran,
He had no pictures done of him, this awkward                       .
He introduced an alphabet, took power in Iran,
And unified the Silk Road, this pathetic                       .

What He Hath Left Us

by Eddie Aderne

“A rare copy of Shakespeare’s First Folio sold for almost $10 million Wednesday,
becoming the most expensive work of literature ever to appear at auction,
according to Christie’s.”


(with apologies to Ben Jonson)

The figure that thou seest was spent
On gentle Shakespeare, every cent,
When someone vowed to have his Will,
And came across for near 10 mill.
O if the buyer had to match
The value of this special catch,
The sale should further still surpass
All that was ever splurged in brass!
But if thou art a reader, look
Not on his pricetag, but his book.

Rosy Outlook

by Barbara Lydecker Crane

Brits are sure that damp and mist
are good for the complexion.
With months to go behind our masks,
we all should reach perfection.

Oh, Bugger

by Brendan Beary

“Pretty fly for a white guy: insect on Mike Pence’s head upstages vice-president”
The Guardian

Higgledy piggledy
Musca domestica,
a.k.a. housefly, just
proved what we knew;

Jargon aside, it’s a
Knack flies possess: how to
Find Number 2.

Fire Child

by Julia Griffin

“A boy gave a Baby Yoda to crews battling Oregon wildfires. They lovingly passed it among firefighters, across state lines.”
The Washington Post

The fire brigades of Oregon
Have filled their trucks, as per the rules:
Long cords, with reels to wind them on;
Hammers and hydrants; lockout tools;
Protective gear for all the crew:
Those super-boots and tags and gloves;
Big cylinders of CO2;
And last, the one the whole truck loves:
Their Baby Yoda (though we’re told
That those are not his proper names),
To us mere darling, but to bold
Opponents of the Western flames
A doughty, duffle-coated pal.
Firefighters Forcify he shall!

Fricasee NN

by Nora Jay

“CNN reporter Joe Johns was forced to fend off a raccoon on the White House lawn, moments before going to air. ‘Frickin’ racoons, man. God, again!’ he said.”
—The Guardian

Though not to be reckoned as boons,
Let’s pardon the White House racoons;
Of creatures that sicken,
Racoons, although frickin’,
Are safer than maskless buffoons.

Teeing Off An Elk

Mike Mesterton-Gibbons

“An angry elk gored a Colorado man finishing a round of golf over the weekend”

The golfer needs to understand the rut,
Especially when bulls are on the green.
Elks don’t much care if you just want to putt,
If keen to steal their dames is how you’re seen!
No golfer should be ignorant of how
Golf carts sound like a serenader’s tune:
Once bulls believe you’re coveting a cow,
Forget about a quiet afternoon! …
For golfing irons poking from a bag,
Approaching in a golf cart on the grass,
Not only look like antlers to a stag,
Elks fear they’re in the harem-stealing class! …
Lest you be gored by antlers hard as nails,
Keep golf bags out of sight of rutting males!

Pride Boys

by Chris O’Carroll

“What if gay guys took pictures of themselves making out with each other or doing very gay things, then tagged themselves with #ProudBoys. I bet it would mess them up real bad.”
—George Takei

New, fabulous hashtag blows fascists away.
The Pride Boys are owning the Proud Boys today.

War of the Worlds

by Dan Campion

“SpaceX’s Starman and Elon Musk’s Tesla just made their 1st Mars flyby”

Our landforms sinking under roads and cars,
Of course we’d have a roadster prowl past Mars,
A “starman” propped up in the driver’s seat
To prospect for the next world to deplete.

Pavane for the Sea Infantas

by Julia Griffin

“Photographs of a Turkish scrap yard shows once glamorous cruise vessels being torn apart,
their component parts harvested for reuse, recycling or disposal after being retired early due to
the pandemic.”

Gilt princesses of the sea,
Lately gowned in luxury,
Dandled in the ocean’s lap,
Find themselves now ripped for scrap.
Grace and elegance afloat
Black tie, dance floor, tables d’hôtes,
Sprawl before the common crowd,
Crumpled, cruddy, and unbowed.
What’s become of all the pride
Lighting once the starboard side?
Beauties lustrously bedecked
Are retired, disposed of, wrecked.
Pampered guests no longer care.
For these dead boats, sigh a prayer.


by Joseph Moorman

“Rare Side Effect of Drug Given to Trump for COVID Includes Grandiose Delusions”

Can the steroid to fight COVID
In its presidential host
Produce one of its side effects
Before he’s even dosed?