Featured Poet
David Hedges
Spotlight: David Hedges
by X.J. Kennedy
Book Reviews
by Barbara Egel
Poems by…
Cover photo: “Sheltering in Place,” by Frank Schäfer
We dedicate this issue to John Ridland (July 4, 1933-Jan. 29, 2020). From poetry to prose, translation to memoir, it seems there was nothing John couldn’t write beautifully—including an entire, hilarious conference presentation in iambic pentameter. It’s this puckish wit that we’ll especially miss at Light, where John was a favorite from our print days onward. We hope you’ll search his name on our website to read just a few of the many John Ridland poems we had the privilege of publishing. (You’ll find more on his life and work here and here.)

Photo: Mike Ridland
Age Looking Back at Its Youth
by John Ridland
We had so little, yet we had so much:
Thunder and lightning at the lightest touch.
—Poetry, February 2011