Featured Poet
Daniel Galef
Spotlight: Daniel Galef
by Melissa Balmain
Book Reviews
by Barbara Loots
Poems by…
Brian Allgar
Wael Almahdi
Bruce Bennett
Jerome Betts
Jane Blanchard
Dan Campion
D.A. Cooper
Barbara Lydecker Crane
Pat D’Amico
Philip Dunkerley
John Tabb DuVal
László Feleki
Kelly Scott Franklin
David Galef
Nicole Caruso Garcia
Claudia Gary
Stephen Gold
Julia Griffin
Max Gutmann
Anthony Harrington
David Hedges
Robin Helweg-Larsen
Bryan Hendrix
R.W. Kelly
Steven Kent
Carl Kinsky
Philip Kitcher
Dorian Kotsiopoulos
Peggy Landsman
Richard Laurberg
Michael Lind
Kyle A. Massa
Martin McGovern
Bruce McGuffin
Mike Mesterton-Gibbons
Alfred Nicol
Chris O’Carroll
Nina Parmenter
Steven Peterson
Samantha Pious
D.A. Prince
Richard T. Ringley
Matt Schatz
David Southward
A.E. Stallings
Alex Steelsmith
Tom Vaughan
Blaze Vestibule
Gail White
John Whitworth
We dedicate this issue to Anthony Harrington (1938-2024), a beloved contributor to Light and one of our first featured poets after the magazine went online. Our hearts go out to Tony’s family, his friends, and the many readers who looked forward to verse by the man A.E. Stallings dubbed “a modern Martial.” You’ll find two tributes by Alicia to Tony in our pages: a new poem, and an appreciation that she wrote in 2014. Also in this issue, we’re honored to share three of Tony’s final verses, a trio of clerihews.

On Optimism
Oh, obstinate is all human hope
Upon this dismal earth.
Even the undertaker’s wife
Keeps on giving birth.
~ Anthony Harrington